Raw and Cook

As I would say, there is no Raw food anymore, or at least, very rare. So I put out all the Cooked food.  

Bioart Kitchen       The author Lindsay Kelly is interested in food technologies, which is also called bioart and she is a practicing artist. This book is divided into ten chapters to explore critical recipe development and different approaches of food ingestion in the human body. The author introduced some important concepts in this book, which considered bioart research as central concerns to study the manipulation of biological materials that explain our ways of cooking and eating. Bioart research involved many contemporary theorists, artists and scholars from different fields to ask questions. Based on the goal of developing sustainability and health of our environment while combining the changing technologies to analyze how food digest in human’s body and how it does change from one kind to another.      The so-called bioart, or biological art means to use biotech methods to manipulate living systems with an emphasis on new media, digital media, and genetics. In this book, the author also highlighted that the bioart is derived from feminist performance practice as an outcome of cultural history connection. The author linked the food we eat with the issues of culture, politics, social and economy in order to explore the implicit meanings of food disguises. In addition to this, the interest of studying bioart was from an interest in her mother’s and grandmother’s kitchen. Throughout the book, the author magically connects food with art and proved that the home economics can deeply influence our daily meals. It is a fascinating book to show both research and practice together in order to explore each area of art, technology, activism, and biology. From this book, we also can learn many nourishing recipes for our breakfast, lunch, and dinner to cultivate a healthier lifestyle and eating style. 


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